Squid Shot

Squid Shot is a simple underwater platformer/racer. Made for Ludum Dare 51 Game Jam, the theme adherence is "you must breathe every 10 seconds".

"Obtain the Legendary Treasure!"


- [W][A][S][D]  Swimming movement

- Mouse         Aim the squid grapple

- [Mouse 1]     Fire the squid grapple

- elim - Code
- puyo - Design, Graphics

Sound and music are just samples we had from the recent SFX/Music pack on Humble Bundle.

More Info

You can swim, but its really slow. Your fast movement comes from pumping your squid onto walls and sea creatures, which will latch and grapple you to them.

The goal is to reach and unlock the treasure chest at the bottom left of the map. Once unlocked, the Legendary Treasure will be released, and if you're quick you may retrieve it before you run out of breath and need to resurface. Don't worry, it will float to the surface itself.  There are a couple of routes, probably all of which need some luck in the current tuning.

We had a larger scope for the puzzling aspect, but toned it down to be able to complete.

puyo's thoughts

I'm happy with the general tone of the level.

The graphics are about what we expected to achieve in the time, though I'm really happy with the basic swimming animation.

I would have liked more time to add better puzzles (switches, boulders to unlock routes, where the 10 second timer makes more sense i.e. needing to explore multiple side routes in under 10 seconds to reveal viable routes to the treasure).

The grapple in its basic form shows a nice idea for underwater exploration instead of regular swimming/propulsion which is often bad in platformers. It's still really far from perfect here, but could feel nice with (for example): tuning, extra camera space, done in 3D, ability to detach grapple and maintain momentum etc.


- Godot 3.51
- Aseprite
- Audacity
- Github

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